Bonjour! A Glimpse and Greeting from Paris, France 2017 ..

My heart is filled with emotion! For my art-loving friends, followers, collectors and designers, please enjoy my Paris trip photos of inspirational places for so many artists, art enthusiasts and the curious.
Watch my entire 2017 Paris Trip here on uTube : Paris Trip 2017
Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, filled with multicultural history, art, excitement and visual grandeur found everywhere! If you have been to this part of the world, you are truly lucky and blessed. If you haven’t had the opportunity to travel here, put it on your bucket list!
Flying into the Sunrise on Paris …

I’ve been around the world several times, this being my 3rd visit to France and is the FIRST time I have seen my artwork on exhibit in Paris.

I am so honored and to have my artwork chosen to be the featured piece in the catalog for Art Shopping ~ Carrousel du Louvre, Paris ~ 2017, being represented by AVA Galleria of Helsinki, Finland.

Thousands of people attended this art show, the lines were long for entering and everyone received a copy of the catalog! 
Edson and Helena Cardoso, the owners of AVA Glleria, did a fantastic job curating this show with artists from all over the world exhibiting original fine art paintings and sculptures.
I try to imagine how the King of France called this palace (Louvre) his home and the decisions made as to which room needed what kind of art !!! And, what to place where in the gardens! There is overwhelming beauty of architectural design and over the top opulence seen everywhere.

My eyes filled with tears of joy to see these magnificent Manet oil paintings and all their brilliance.

I’ve always admired the exaggerated size of the hands, feet and muscles of Rodin’s style.

It was awesome to be in the same studio room where Rodin created so many master-pieces! If only these wall could talk …

I also walked on the same cobbled stoned streets as those who have influenced millions! Imagine seeing amazing artists like Renoir, Touluse-Lautrec, Van Gogh, Cezzanne and Monet walking along, too, and maybe having a coffee and conversation with them. My little fantasy for energizing my soul…

View of Paris from the hilltop of Montmartre Basillica

Eiffle Tower had a 2 hour wait to take a ride to the top, so I decided photos from the ground were my best option on that rainy day!

I love food and everything sweet! Food is an Art ~ So many choices …

All the glory joy and peace on earth ~ Notre-Dame Cathedral

Enjoy the flowers of life ~ Thank you for your support of loving art in our world !!!